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Outside/Private Scholarships

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TCU attracts an academically motivated student body with widely diverse backgrounds. Consequently, many students receive awards from sources outside the University. Students are encouraged to explore funding options available through corporations, civic groups, foundations, employers, and religious organizations. Additionally, many high schools, public libraries, and college Financial Aid Offices (including TCU’s) have scholarship resource materials which can assist you in your search.

Reporting Outside Scholarships

Students are required to report all non-university, donor-selected scholarships, also referred to as “outside scholarships”, to the TCU Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid. 

Outside scholarship funds are considered as resources and must be counted in the total financial aid package. It may be necessary for adjustments to be made to the financial aid awards to be in compliance with federal, state and institutional regulations. We make every attempt to reduce loans first, if possible.

  • In most cases, funds from outside sources may be combined with existing financial aid programs. However, certain situations do occur which require a reduction of current funding.
  • In all cases, total aid may not exceed the student’s cost of attendance (COA).
  • If receiving need-based funds, the outside scholarship must be counted toward meeting demonstrated need, as established by Federal regulation, possibly reducing the amount of other Federal, State and institutionally funded awards. In most cases, need-based Subsidized Direct Loans and work-study funds can be reduced before having to adjust grants and scholarships.
  • TCU Community Scholars, who receive full scholarships, will have the institutionally funded portion of their award reduced by the amount received in any outside award.
  • NCAA regulations address the manner in which outside funding may be combined with athletics aid. These awards are reviewed on a case by case basis, and the financial aid office has the final responsibility for determining eligibility.
  • Outside scholarships may be combined with existing aid, beyond the value of tuition, (provided none of these previous conditions require a reduction), unless the fund is stipulated by the donor as tuition specific.
  • Scholarship funds will be allocated half to the fall term and half to the spring term, unless otherwise noted by the donor.

The TCU Financial Services office will not be able to consider any outside scholarship funds reported in their calculation of anticipated financial aid.

How To Report Outside Scholarships

Report your outside scholarships through your portal,

  • Select the Financial Aid Tile
  • Select the correct Aid Year
  • Select Report Outside Aid [left-hand menu]

Where To Mail Scholarship Checks
All scholarship checks should be mailed directly to:


Texas Christian University
TCU Box 297012
Fort Worth, TX 76129-0001

If a physical street address is required: 

Texas Christian University
3101 Bellaire Drive North, The Harrison 1st floor, Suite 1300
Fort Worth, TX 76109

Information For Donors
Please include the student’s name, TCU ID number on all correspondence and make checks payable to Texas Christian University. If you require a W-9 form, please contact the TCU Financial Services office, phone 817-257-7836 or download the W-9 here.

When a donor does not specify how to disburse scholarship funds, the financial aid office will divide awards equally between the fall and spring semesters. Any changes will require written authorization from the donor to 

Requests For Verification Of Enrollment And/Or Grades

All requests for transcripts, grade reports or verification of enrollment must be made through the TCU Registrar’s office, phone 817-257-7825. These cannot be sent out by the Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid.

Requests For TCU To Bill the Scholarship Donor

Billing services are provided through the TCU Financial Services office, phone 817-257-7836. These cannot be sent out by the Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid.

Posting Funds

All outside scholarship funds will post to the TCU student account designated when the funds have been received.