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Satisfactory Academic Progress Policies

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Federal law requires that institutions monitor the academic progress of students who receive federal financial aid. In order to remain eligible for federal, state and some institutional financial aid, students must comply with TCU’s standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). 

Undergraduate Students

All undergraduate students are evaluated at the end of the spring term.  Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  requirements include a quantitative measure of GPA, a qualitative measure of credit hours completed compared with credit hours attempted, and a cumulative measure of time to complete a degree.  Unofficial withdrawal from classes, failure to begin attendance, and/or failure to successfully complete registered hours may affect future eligibility for financial aid.  Exceptions apply if a student is on probation or an established aid academic plan.  

June 5 

Complete SAP Appeal applications are due in to the Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid.

June 12  Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Committee meeting. Decisions to students within three business days.   [Financial Aid]
June 12  Complete Scholarship Appeal applications are due in to the Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid.
June 20 TCU Scholarship Committee meeting. Decisions to students within three business days.   [Merit scholarships]
July 3 Deadline for students to submit an appeal application for the July Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  Committee meeting. 
July 10 Final Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Committee meeting. Decisions to students within three business days.
July 10  Deadline for students to submit a Scholarship Appeal application for the July TCU Scholarship Committee meeting.

July 18

Final Scholarship Committee meeting. Decisions to students within three business days. 

Sept 3

Fall 2025 Census Date

Jan 28

Spring 2026 Census Date

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form

Re-establishing Eligibility

If you do not file an appeal or your appeal is denied and you are not meeting qualitative or quantitative progress components, you may reestablish eligibility for financial aid by taking the following actions: 

  • Raise your cumulative GPA to meet the minimum standard (2.0), and
  • Successfully complete 75% of attempted hours for the term

You may not regain financial aid eligibility by choosing not to attend TCU for a term(s), or by paying your own tuition and fees for a term(s) if the minimum requirements stated above are not met.

For detailed information, please review the Undergraduate Catalog.

Graduate/Professional Students

Graduate students are subject to the academic performance standards of their area of study. As long as students are allowed to continue in the degree program, they are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress.

Students are expected to complete master’s degree requirements, including thesis if required, within a period of five years from the date of the earliest credit to be counted on the degree (including transfer credit, if any). Students can contact their individual department for exceptions to this requirement. The work for the Ph.D. degree must be completed within six years after the student has been admitted to candidacy and within seven years of the start of the program. Extension of time must be applied for in writing through the chair of the major department.

Students who are determined as not meeting satisfactory academic progress will not be eligible for financial aid unless they file an appeal with the financial aid office and it is approved.

For detailed information, please review the Graduate Catalog.